mardi 6 novembre 2012

Dobar dan Srbija!

Dobar dan Srbija !

Well, here we are now! Somewhere in Serbia and hopefully we found some similar points with Bosnia… they also have Pljeskavica and cepavi here!!!!!
Serbia looks fantastic too and we already have a nice surprise the first morning when we woke up in the Tara national Park… SNOW!!! It didn’t stay long only 2 days, but it was awesome to have a walk and drive through the park in this landscape. And it’s on the way to Belgrade we found a new concept, the water-campsite!
Hope all is fine for you. See you, Katia & Ivan.

Dobar dan Srbija!

Et ben voila, nous sommes déjà quelque part en Serbie et heureusement pour nous il existe pas mal de points commun avec la Bosnie comme les Pljeskavica et cepavi (spécialités culinaire ultra calorique mais délicieuses…).
La Serbie, même si cela ne fait qu’une semaine que nous y sommes, est magnifique. Et nous avons eu une belle surprise lors de notre première nuit dans le parc national Tara, il a neigé !!! Ca n’a tenu que 2 jours mais c’était génial de se balader et de parcourir ce parc tout blanc… Et c’est en prenant la route vers Belgrade que nous avons découvert un nouveau concept, le camping flottant !

On espère que tout va bien pour vous, A bientôt, Katia et Ivan.

2 commentaires:

  1. Ciaooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Francesco speakin' :D
    How are you?
    Where are you?
    What about your trip?
    We are workin' hard for the movie and we kept some contacts for the productions and we listened some famous italian actors to speak about the script... i think something will happen...
    i bought a Canon 60 D camera and new stuff: lights, steadycam, a good audio recorder... well...we are ready for an auto-production if something of the mainstream way will go wrong :)
    I hope you are ok! We miss you and we hope see you in the future.
    Greatings from me (Francesco), Diana and Modì!
    Be free. Be Rock!

  2. Véro
    Fine,you're going well(as the car)...
    Good pictures in Venezia.
    Waiting to read you soon.
